Fire Alarm Regulations – a simple guide to UK legislation

UK fire alarm regulations can feel less than straightforward if you’re not a fire safety professional. Below is a simple guide to the latest UK fire alarm legislation. Fire alarm regulations form part of ‘The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005’, known as the ‘RRO’. In addition, the UK government recommends that all fire alarm and detection… Read more »

What are the common causes of false fire alarms?

There are many causes of false alarms in the workplace. A false alarm is… when there isn’t actually a real fire but the alarm goes off. There can be lots of reasons, other than a real fire, why the alarm goes off:     Cooking fumes (e.g. burnt toast)     Steam (e.g. shower rooms, industrial processes)… Read more »

Staying Safe if there is a fire in your Flat/Apartment block

Since the terrible Grenfell disaster, fire safety has come to the forefront of resident’s minds. The Cheshire Fire and rescue Service has published their guidelines of what you can do to help keep yourself and others around you as safe as possible. In most high-rise buildings, the following advice would normally apply. However, you should… Read more »

3 Ways Your Fire Detection & Warning System Could Land You in Jail

It’s critical to have a fire detection and warning system in place so staff know when to evacuate as soon as possible in case of emergency. The exact requirements depend on the type of building and the type of work undertaken in the premises. It’s the Responsible Person’s role to get this sorted – with the possibility… Read more »